Scrub a dub dub, i put all three of my kiddos in the tub...because it saves me time and I only get completely soaked from being splashed once. Thank God I only have 3 kids, four wont fit.

"No doctor, Peyton doesn't eat crayons...why are you asking?"

"The green on his mouth you ask? That's um....."

"Well, okay, you's like this, he thinks his Crayola Crayon holder is a nose kisser (ie bulb syringe) and keeps trying to "suck his nose out with it" - putting it up to his nose and snorting a few times....

Calvin Klein watch out...Brenden is one cool, stylish dude...the bottom half would include the elmo big boy pants...just big boy underwear b/c we're trying our hardest to potty train...yea, ask me how that's going.....

Landon, multitasking...talking to Gab (Great Aunt Beck) and coloring...

Okay, it's bedtime now, just wanted to share the few pics that i managed to upload. We get to venture out in the snowstorm tomorrow to take Landon to see Dr. Traboulsi at the Cleveland Clinic about his eyes again - maybe this time he'll just tell us that we can have the surgery done and his eyes will be so much better.....anyways, thought's and prayers tomorrow !!!!! Thanks!