Hi! I know it's been awhile but we've been out pretty much every day. Last weekend was the MoM Sale and would you believe I had soooo much stuff that I was top seller?! We did a great job and there were actually 3 of us that made over $1,000. So, that was last weekend - Rick had the boys from Friday morning to Saturday night when I was done with all the sale stuff. I also managed to sneak in some larangitis the day of the sale and the 3 following days afterwards. I'm just managing to get my voice back. We havent done much other than that as I'm trying to get the boys over their colds. It seems that every time the weather gets nice, we're doomed to get sick afterwards. We're finally sleeping though the night without coughing now.
I also spent a few days indulging myself in the Twilight books. Definatly recomending them to anyone to read. After all that, i'm searching for a sparkly vampire to sweep me off my feet - they seem better than any guy I know. LOL.
I have exciting news! Well, atleast for the boys and I. My friend Shawna had a baby about a month ago. She lives in South Carolina right over the boarder from North Carolina. Since I'm starting school again in May, I've decided to use the money that I got from the MoM Sale and go down to visit her. I know - brave huh. Me and 3 kiddos. Anyways, we're going to leave next wednesday and I'm hoping to leave early that way we can drive all day and not have to stop anywhere to sleep. I realize that I'm going to have to stop and "walk the kids" so i bought another backpack/leash for Peyton. (Ya know, for years, i swore that I would NEVER use a leash for my kids, it looked rediculious and rude. Now I own three.) Anyways, I'll be able to walk my kids like that without them running off like crazies onto the turnpike. I'm not sure how long we'll be gone but we're stopping in SC to see Shawna and her baby and then we're going to go a little further south and see Lauren and Cameron in Hinesville Georgia. We'll do some outlet shopping and then we're going to head to the beach for a day. We'll head back up to stop at Shawnas house on the way home and then we'll probably be back the following Wednesday night. I'm excited to take the boys out of state for the first time like this - other than going to Kranacks (sp?) and finally get to take them to the beach for the first time. This should be an experience. LOL.
So, as it's taken me all day to write this blog, we just put the kids to bed. Mom was doing prayers with one of the boys while I took one to the potty and then we'd switch. So, this is the conversation between Brenden and Mom that I heard while standing in the bathroom:
Mom: God Bless Mom
Brenden: God bless mom, and dad and Lan and P and Toby and Diesel (pauses)
Mom: And God bless Gi Gi
Brenden: Gi Gi and Great PaPaw and Aunt Susan (pauses...thinking)
Mom: Yeah, and Aunt Susan and Meredith and Kayden and Kaleb and Derrick and Uncle Brian
Brenden: (thinking...) Yeah, where is Uncle Brian???
Mom: Well, they're all at their houses, everyones getting ready to go to bed too.
Brenden: Yeah, and God bless Great Grandma Trescott
Mom: Yeah, Great Grandma Trescott...
Brenden: And Aunt Becky...(thinks)...where is Aunt Becky at?
Mom: Well, Aunt Becky's at home - she lives in the Boonies.
Brenden: In the Boonies? Where that at?
Mom: Uhm, the boonies, that's really far away. See we live in Louisville and Aunt Becky lives way far away in the boonies.
Brenden: Boonies this far away? (Stretches his arms way out to the sides)
Mom: Yeap, they're about that far.
Brenden: Oh....and God bless everyone else in the whole wide world.
So...that's about it for now. I'm sitting here watching idol...I'm thinking Adam Lambert is going to win. I'm all about him.
I'm Falling for You....(but not in a good way)
2 months ago