So, there we were, in beautiful Georgia. We visited in SC for a few and then drove another 4 hours to Georgia. I can see why they say "Georgia on my mind" - because it's so nice there, then I headed back to Ohio and the cold weather, Georgia is definitely going to be on my mind. Anyways, i have a few pics from the past few days so I thought I'd share.

Would you believe that we saw a train?! It was right before we got on the turnpike and Landon freaked out.

Our first break to eat. We had already made a potty break and this was our second potty break and we needed to eat at this one. Worked out great!!!!

So, I was so excited to get to the tunnels for the boys to get to see them. Obviously we missed them. Above: what the boys were doing.... Below: What we were driving through.....

Yeap, we missed both tunnels but that's aweosme b/c that meant that we were taking great naps and the trip down to see my friend wasnt as bad as everyone thought it would be.
The second tunnel in Virginia...missed that one too...

Our plan...divide and conquer. We started in South Carolina at Shawnas house....

And moved on once that was conquered to Laurens house in Georgia...

We love Laurens dogs ("you have two dogs lauren?" said brenden....)

Landon liked the Thomas the Train couch (Mommy said "smile pretty Landon for me")
And our plan worked - or so it seemed. Anyways, we spent one day at Tybee Island. It's an Island off the coast of Savanna, Georgia. We took the boys to the beach for the first time. They were so excited to see the beach and the lighthouses (like in Thomas the Train!!!) So, we left promply at 8:30 to get their in time for low tide b/c I guess Tybee Island has alot of sand dollars. Then we promply went back to the house b/c I forgot my debit card - now that wont get me far. Then, we were on our way with a few oops stops and turn arounds by Shaun - Laurens husband. Hence the annoyed look and sleeping kid in the next few pics.

But finally, we made it to the beach. Tybee Beach was beautiful! We got there and the tide was out so we walked out to find sand dollars. I carried Peyton the whole way b/c I didnt realize that we had to walk through the water and that far out to get them so I didnt bring a change of clothes for the boys. Brenden and Landon walked most of the time...

Then Lauren and i decided that 3 wet kids wasnt going to work because the water was too deep towards the middle.

So we carried them...well Lauren carried them from one sand bar to another (her walking back in the picture, Shaun standing with 2 of them.) Keep in mind how far the walk is - in the far back is Shaun and that's how far we went out.

Now, you see how far we've walked out there. He's what happened. We walked out onto the sandbars (see pic above) and were looking for sand dollars. We found some, they're beautiful. Well, after a little bit, i asked if we should start walking back before tide came in. We all decided to so we began walking back thinking that it looked that after we passed through the knee deep water that had filled back in, we'd be able to walk right onto the beach. We made it to the sand bar and realized that there was a lake inbetween where we were and the beach. Great. Just great. Now, 3 adults, 2 two year olds, two one year olds and a 4 year old...and all trapped on a sand bar. So...Shaun carried two one year olds back and Lauren slowly made her way with Cameron, her 4 year old son. Then, Shaun came back for one of the twins and we waded through chest deep water at points...mainly stomach deep. What a time, i was freaking out. The boys were freaking out - i later found out that it's because Landon dropped his shells in the water on the way over to the beach. Other than that issue, we were lucky but we had a great time!

Above is the boys and I standing in front of the sign that says do not go past here yada yada ya. The sand way out there, that's where we were stuck.

Here's the boys before we left. Landon was crying and Peyton was finally able to walk on the sand...just like the big boys. Finally we went to eat and then got to see the lighthouse. There's only one on the island, which after reading a little about it, i found that it's the 4th built and it's used to navigate around the island. By the time we got there, the Peyton, Natalie and Cameron were all sleeping so Brenden, Landon, Shaun and I got out of the car took pics and went right back into the car. Before we could pull out of the parking lot, all of the kids were sleeping.

Anyways, we're back now finally. I'm missing the 80 Degree weather and sun but it's nice to be back home. The trees were green down there and the boys noticed that and also mentioned that the trees (palm trees) looked funny to them.