First off, anyone that knows what they're doing on this blogger thing needs to help me out. For some reason, i've lost my template thing and I cant change this boring background to any of those cutesy fall ones. Anyways, othat than that, whoever is in charge of the trescott page needs to let me in on the secret to posting on it b/c even though everyone else (Beck...) can figure out how to post on there...I cant.
Aside from all the technical stuff, we've been preparing for the change of the seasons. See pictures below...
Here we are trying on our winter "gear". Coats fit.....check!
Boots fit...check! Landon looks like he should be working on the corner LOL.
Peyton has been crawling all over the place. He'll be one next month but you think he'd be 2 1/2 just like his brothers. He wont eat baby food anymore - he has to eat just what they're eating. He wont play with baby toys like for his age, he's about as into Thomas The Train as the boys are. He even says "train" and has 2 of his own that he stands at the end table with both boys and pushes along. He's growing up so fast. I'm trying to figure out a place to have a b-day party for him so if anyone has any ideas of a nice indoor place for ALOT of kids, let me know or else, McDonalds it's going to be.
Looks like it's time to be picking up leaves. We've been doing our share. We've picked em up and toted them around in our dump trucks just to dump them all out in the end...Many many many miles have been put on these dump trucks.
After waiting the whole summer and trying to figure out where to hang Peytons Swing, we finally though - duh, hang it on the clothes hook for the clothes line. So we did. He loves it. If my camera battery woudlnt have died, i was definately going to get a video of him squealing!
How about the church on Market just north of Walsh?? I think it's called First Christian Church, they have the huge indoor playland. You can rent it out for private parties. That's where we had the kids party last year. Hope that helps!