Saturday, August 23, 2008
Another picture that i didnt post last time...

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Just Incase you didnt see...
So i sent out an email about the movie that I made and posted on YOUTUBE but i'm not sure that everyone got it b/c I got a few returned emails. Anyways, I made this as an "awareness video" about Retinoblastoma (the cancer that the boys have). It's only 10 minutes long so if you havent seen it, check it out.
Now, i took the boys to Kiddie Kandids to get their pictures taken. Two hours later and a mommy with a headache, we got these beautiful pictures.
I so love barefeet pics - but they definately told the lady she had to smell their "stinky pigs".
Baby P
So, i think they turned out good, i'll pass osme out later on when i get them printed off. Thanks for checkin in!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Twinsdays and stuck in the bathroom....
So let me share this with you - I guess welcome to toddler hood or....welcome to life with twins. The other night, about 3 weeks ago (i'm a little bit late downloading picutres) I woke up at about 4am. I heard someone talking outside of my door. Now keep in mind, my door is oposite the bathroom door. The boys door is beside mine and mom and dads is beside that one. So i listen for a minute and it's my dad....he sounds sort of upset, worried or frantic. So i walk out into the hallway. He's in a t-shirt....talking to the bathroom door. He's going "It's okay buddy, paps out here...can you talk to pap? Paps here...." and jiggling the door handle. I"m thinking "ugh, he's gone crazy..what is he doing. So i say "dad, what are you doing" and he tells me "Well, i got up to get in the shower before work and i knocked on the door like i normally do....and someone knocked back. Now i know that your mom is in bed and she wouldnt have knocked back anyways. I also know that you wouldnt have knocked back and Peyton couldnt be out of bed....so.....one of the twins is in the bathroom...and the door is locked." Yeap you guessed it, Brenden had locked himself in the bathroom at about 4am....or sooner, who knows...but this is what we found when we took the handle off of the door to get him out. Now, the lights were off as well and all he had was a nightlight....and the cat.
So....welcome to my life....lol. Anyways, it's late, past my bedtime and such so i'll try and post more tomorrow..i have some more cute pics from twinsdays.