Just a quick update...I started school on the 11th and have been totally busy since then. I guess school was a little bit easier since I didn't have three kids going "Mom, here your book mom...you need your book?" Anyways...we spent this past weekend visiting a "very close friend" of the family. Some of you may recognize him...as....

There was a huge group of us that went. My Aunt and Uncle went with us along with my cousin and her husband and two kids and my parents. We had a blast! So, here's some cute pics of the kiddos.
The tents that they set up were red so the pictures that I got were kinda red crazy looking! But here's the kiddos in this pretend train that they had set up.

In the same building, they had a large model railroad set up and the middle train going around was Thomas.

Next, we walked over to where they were loading the trains. The sky looked gross and stormy and there was lightening in the distance. We were sure that we were going to get hit with the rain. When Thomas came around the bend, the boys faces lit up and they started smiling so big!
Rick and Brenden

Landon sitting on dads shoulders watching Thomas come around the corner with all the other kids.

Brenden showing off his "A Day Out With Thomas" Tickets
12 Tickets for a Day Out With Thomas: $250.00
Gas to get to Cuyahoga Falls to see Thomas: $20.00
The smile on Brendens face when he saw Thomas coming around the corner:
My dad holding Peyton on his shoulders to see Thomas b/c he had done it to Landon and Peyton wanted to do what his brothers did.

Rick and Brenden ~ Landon and I

My cousin Mere and Dere and their kiddos

The boys Standing infront of Thomas the train. Let me tell you how hard it was to get the kids to look at the camera. They were too interested in Thomas!

Before we left, we let the kids stand by the tracks. They were amazed at how big they were - they always point out "railroad tracks" when we're driving.

Anyways, that's about it for now. I have tons of other cute pics to post but no time right now. So...see ya!