So my twinkies graduated Preschool; for the first time. We're doing PS again next year too. Our PS is an early intervention school and the twinkies are the "typicals" helping other struggling kids. They love it. They're going to miss their friends so much and even pointed out their girlfriends (see above pic). That's Landons gf in between them. He begged me for a picture. They sang, counted, danced and clapped...jumped a little bit too. Their favorite song was the Tootie-Tat dance...hilarious!
Before we could go see Thomas the Train, we needed to get some hair cut. My beautiful boy.....
Next, we ventured to Thomas the Train....for a second time. We went last year but I dont know if they really "got it". This year, i'm sure they "got it". My friends' husband got tickets from work so all I had to do was buy 2 extra and we were on our way. By the time we got to where the kids knew where we were headed they started chanting "Thomas, Thomas, Thomas!".....and it kept going until they saw Thomas.
Natalie....Peytons girlfriend being totally cute.
Landon watching the cars go by.
5 Kids....a wagon and a double jogger.
Thomas the train...Cameron and....two sets of twins? Looks like it. Too bad Natalie is 6 months younger than Peyton.
Peyton like to throw the bouncy balls and roll off of them.
Once the boys got that hang of them they had fun...before that, they werent sure what to do with them. Overall we had a great time at Thomas!

In the picture above, the twinkies are the two kiddos on the left end. They're doing Jumping Jacks. 4 of them. Which tired them all out.

Finally it was time for the kids to play a game against the other T-Ball Team. No one got out. Everyone made it home. Everyone got to outfield the balls (yes, balls. Every time one of the kids would hit the ball, our coach would throw out more balls for all of the kids. )It was hilarious mass chaos.

Brenden Up to bat first.
(Why did I just run to this thing? What do I have to watch for?)
Landon hits the ball.
...and stands on 1st base.....
...and gets Brenden Home! SAFE!
When it comes to T-Ball, look out. Double Trouble.
They're Hott!
Landon caught the ball in the outfield....aaaaaannd put it back on the T.
Ball Down! Anybody see it?
I got it!
More recently, the boys started what will hopefully be a amazing sports "career" in Louisville. We are official members of the Louisville Big Bat Wiffle Ball T-Ball Team. We play Monday nights! Check out my future stars in action!

Finally it was time for the kids to play a game against the other T-Ball Team. No one got out. Everyone made it home. Everyone got to outfield the balls (yes, balls. Every time one of the kids would hit the ball, our coach would throw out more balls for all of the kids. )It was hilarious mass chaos.
I have to say this was by far the cutest thing I have seen in a long while. Landon hit the ball, and ran out and got it and took it back to set it on the T. Brenden wasn't sure which way to run and why he was running. There was another little boy who made it all the way to 3rd base and then instead of running home, turned around and ran back to 2nd.